January 3, 2012




To:                   SPEEA Council


From:              Ron Shoemaker, Richard Greene, Larry Wywadis, Lynn Reynolds


Subject:           PRE-SUBMITTED NEW BUSINESS:  Withdrawal CESO Membership

                        Council of Engineers and Scientists Organizations 




Membership in the Council of Engineers and Scientists Organizations (CESO) was authorized by the SPEEA Executive Board in the late 1960's and rescinded by the SPEEA Council in June 1975.


Membership in CESO was re-authorized by the Council in April 1978 with the condition that the totals per cap dues income from SPEEA not exceed 50% of the CESO annual budget.


The Wichita Engineering Association (WEA) joined CESO in 1980’s and maintained that membership when WEA became the SPEEA Wichita Engineering Unit (WEU) in 1995. The Wichita Technical Professional Unit (WTPU) became a CESO unit in 2000.  CESO allowed the Irving Bargaining Unit and WTPU to be jointly represented by the WTPU delegate in 2003.


SPEEA has consistently paid greater than 50% of the CESO annual dues income, in breach of the SPEEA Council’s directive and policy for membership.  The IFPTE Locals affiliated with CESO make up the majority of the CESO annual income.


The CESO Executive Director, Comptroller, Recording Secretary, Legal Council, as well as headquarters staff time and equipment such as computers and printing, have been SPEEA paid. Employees and assets used to maintain CESO are not under consideration for compensation for services rendered.


The Council found value in an affiliation for a number of years SPEEA will spend approximately $40,000 this year on CESO affiliation dues, travel expenses and leave with pay for trips this year, In support of a single day of lobbying in Washington DC. 




It is moved: the SPEEA Council no longer SEES SUFFICIENT member value FOR THE COST in supporting CESO. effective february 1st, 2012 WITHDRAWS SPEEA FROM CESO MEMBERSHIP.


It is further moved this motion be a published ballot.